
My research examines how information communication technology can enable people to proactively manage their own health and wellness. Commonly referred to as eHealth initiatives, these technologies can revolutionize the way healthcare information is collected, personalized, and shared. Unlike past work that has focused on supporting healthcare professionals, new eHealth research considers how individuals, caregivers, and family members use the information to improve their health. Before we can create technologies that empower the lay population to reflect on their health and facilitate health behavioral change, we must better understand their culture and life situations. My research group’sĀ research mission is three-fold. First, we aim to design, develop, and evaluate innovative software systems and interfaces for empowering people to learn about and manage their own health. Second, we work with high needs populations to ensure that health and wellness technologies and interfaces meet the needs of all citizens and not just the affluent or the fortunate. Third, we broaden participation in eHealth research through innovative outreach to students and medical practitioners.

At the University of Colorado, I directed the Wellness Innovation and Interaction Lab to bring together the critical interdisciplinary expertise needed in user interaction design, health informatics, and information communication technologies.

More information about my research: